Weather Forecast Website

In 2021, I got an idea for a weather forecast website because of the huge volume of searches for weather information every month. This led to the creation of

To quickly summarize everything I did, I:

Came up with a system for instantly creating thousands of web pages based on cities/towns in the United States.

Optimized those web pages to be as search engine friendly as possible compared to other weather websites out there.

Did competitive research to figure out what each site was doing badly to try and beat them.

Setup each page to automatically receive weather data from’s free API data service.

Raised $500 toward the website in a competition at my college, University of St Thomas.

Although this could probably still take off eventually, I’ve been running into the same issue for over a year with Google not being able to completely process the website. I’m not sure exactly what the problem is, and I’ve made up my mind that because I can’t control the data stream, it probably isn’t worth continuing to work on right now. If NOAA decided to cut off the data stream, my website would pretty much collapse. I also have other hobby projects, like my automated food production line to work on instead that I’m focused on now.